ColorSynth DIY Kit Information

ColorSynth DIY Kit

Do you love the smell of solder at 3am? Are you convinced that the only way to get a done right is to do it yourself? Then the ColorSynth DIY kit is just the thing for you!

DIY Kit Components:

-PIC16F88 microprocessor with ColorSynth firmware loaded
-Printed Circuit Board

-All required resistors, caps, regulators crystals etc
-MIDI connectors, power port, DIP and on/off switches
-Headers and molex connectors with appropriate attached pigtails
-AD to DC "wall wart" transformer
-Heatsinks for LED and regulator
-Detailed assembly instructions
-Free email tech support and (when convinient) phone support

What is not included:

-8" Globe
-Black ABS enclosure/fixture
-Standoffs and mounting hardware

Before ordering, please email with your questions and ideas!


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(no more pesky patent applications)

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