ColorControl DIY MIDI Controller Platform



The same PCB, microprocessor, and electrical components used to make ColorSynths can also be used to make miniature MIDI devices, such as MIDI controllers and instruments. The 2"x2" PCB is actually designed with all of the I/O pins on headers that line an empty grid of 80+ copper vias/pads, leaving just enough room to add useful circuits such as audio preamps, LED drivers, resistor networks for switches and other electromechanical inputs, etc.

The PIC16F88 supports up to 12 inputs, 7 of which are switchable between Analog and Digital, 5 of which are digital only. 11 of the inputs can also be set as digital outputs.

Unlike more developed DIY MIDI platforms (MIDIbox, MIDIsense, Doepfer, Arduino etc), ColorControl is meant for small and simple applications. At $40 US assembled, It's also considerably cheaper, but much less powerful. The current ColorControl firmware can only be edited and updated by directly reprogramming the PIC16F88. Because of this, when you order a ColorControl board you must specify your I/O pin and MIDI data associations.

ColorControl is currently under development and not yet available, and will be released under an open source license.

If you are interested in helping to develop the ColorControl platform, please email


ColorSynths are now
Public Domain!
(no more pesky patent applications)

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