Building a Power and MIDI Distributor

April 5th, 2011

Here is a great how-to on converting a standard computer ATX power supply into a desk power supply: The ColorSynth v1.0 PCB can be used to make a 1 in, 12 out MIDI thru device: Detailed instructions on assembly and firmware for 16F88 coming soon Read More...

ColorSynth Mainboard jumper/pin Connections

April 5th, 2011

JP1 is the power connector: Pin1) This is connected to Pin2 of JP2 which is DC+ from power over MIDI. Pin2) This is the DC+ input to the board, 12 to 15V is ideal. Pin3) Is not connected Pin4) Is ground -If you only want to use power over MIDI, wire pins 1 and 2 together. -If you only want to use a wall wart power supply, wire the positive terminal of your power jack to pin 2 and the ground terminal to pin 4 Read More...

Using multiple LEDs with one ColorSynth mainboard

April 5th, 2011

The ColorSynth DIY kits offer the opportunity to build ColorSynths into custom fixtures. Some users may want to drive an array of LEDs from a single ColorSynth to make the fixture brighter. To do this, all you need to do is duplicate the existing LED driver circuit (or build your own). [caption id="attachment_143" align="aligncenter" width="364"][/caption] Above we see the LED driver circuit that the ColorSynth uses Read More...